Q server

Rendering Info

We use the term rendering info to describe the HTTP response from a request to q-server/rendering-info/{id}/{target}. This request is typically sent by a so called Q loader. Examples of Q loaders are the preview in Q editor or the browser based loader used in the demo. The source for this browser based loader can be found on Github: nzzdev/Q-loader-browser.

Q rendering-info request


The Q loader browser is our reference implementation for Q loaders. Currently the only type of rendering info supported by the Q editor preview is a JSON like this:

  "loaderConfig": {
    "polyfills": ["Promise", "Object.assign"],
    "loadSystemJs": "full"
  "markup": "<p>markup applied using element.innerHTML</p>",
  "scripts": [
      "url": "url to a javascript file"
      "name": "the name of a javascript file, see below 'on name and path' for more information about this"
      "url":  "url to a javascript file that should get loaded only once per page",
      "loadOnce": true
  "stylesheets": [
      "url": "url to a css file"
      "name": "the name of a stylesheet file, see below 'on name and path' for more information about this"

on name and path

In the example above you have seen the property name used in scripts and stylesheets. This is not quite what will be delivered by the Q server but what gets produced by the tool service. The Q server will translate the name to a path like this:

stylesheet.path = `/tools/${toolName}/stylesheet/${stylesheet.name}`;

This is because the tool service itself does not know about its name as the mapping of a tool name to a tool service is configured in config/tools.js in your Q server implementation. See https://github.com/nzzdev/Q-server-demo/blob/master/config/tools.js as an example for this configuration.

So if your tool service provides an endpoint /stylesheet/{name*} you can use name property in the rendering info returned from your tool service and Q server will translate it to a path. The loader knows where the Q server is running and can build a full URL using this information to request the file.

other types of rendering info

What exactly you are returning from a rendering-info endpoint varies by your needs. To get a preview in Q Editor you need to implement at least one rendering-info that is capable to be displayed in a browser. The only format that is supported in Q Editor at the moment is the above example.