About Targets
With Q we want to provide the possibility to render visual elements based on the same data for diverse targets, i.e. differently styled websites, different devices (desktop, info screens, mobile) and different applications (browser, native apps).
So, in a nutshell we have to deal with two groups of target specifics.
- Styling related specifics: e.g. your targets are two different websites with a different set of fonts and other styles
- Technology related specifics: your targets are different applications which can interpret markup or not
Styling related specifics
For each tool - target - environment combination, additional rendering info can be configured in the config passed as app.tools
to Hapi.server()
. We use config/tools.js for this.
It works the same for targets. The additional rendering info can be configured in the config passed as app.targets
to Hapi.server()
. The config is stored in config/targets.js.
See our demo implementation for details.
This additionalRenderingInfo
object will be merged with the object returned from the defined endpoint of the tool before getting sent back to the client. We use this to apply the stylesheets of our styleguide system to theme the rendered output for different publications.
const tools = {
$filter: 'env',
production: {
election_executive: {
endpoint: {
$filter: 'target',
$default: false,
demo1: {
path: '/rendering-info/html-static', // endpoint path to get rendering info for this specific target
additionalRenderingInfo: {
stylesheets: [ // target specific stylesheets to load
url: 'https://service.sophie.nzz.ch/bundle/sophie-q@^1,sophie-font@^1,sophie-color@^1.css'
content: '.q-item { color: #f5f5f5; background-color: #f5f5f5; }'
function(item, toolRuntimeConfig) {
return {
content: '.q-item { some styles generated at runtime }'
scripts: [
function(item, toolRuntimeConfig) {
return {
content: `console.log(${JSON.stringify(item)}`
demo2: {
path: '/rendering-info/html-static',
additionalRenderingInfo: {
stylesheets: [
url: 'https://service.sophie.nzz.ch/bundle/sophie-color@^1.css'
content: '.q-item { color: #f5f5f5; background-color: #f5f5f5; }'
content: '.s-font-note { color: black; font-size: 14px; }'
const targets = {
demo1: {
label: "Demo 1",
type: "Web",
context: {
additionalRenderingInfo: {
sophieModules: {
$filter: "env",
$default: [
url: "https://service.sophie.nzz.ch/bundle/sophie-q%23master.css"
production: [
url: "https://service.sophie.nzz.ch/bundle/sophie-q@^1.css"
Technology related specifics
Depending on the technical scope of a target different forms of rendering information may be provided by each tool. E.g. if your target cannot render any markup you may deliver an image instead. Please see Rendering Info? for details on that topic.
For that purpose you have to define an endpoint for each target and tool combination in config/tools.js of your Q server implementation. Otherwise, Q server will respond with Not implemented
when trying to get rendering information for a Q item of a particular tool type and target.
Of course all of the specified endpoints per tool have to be implemented as well in the tool itself.
In the following example both targets - demo1 and demo2 - get its rendering info from the same endpoint of tool election executive
const tools = {
election_executive: {
endpoint: {
$filter: 'target',
$default: false,
demo1: {
path: '/rendering-info/html-static', // endpoint path to get rendering info for this specific target
demo2: {
path: '/rendering-info/html-static',
demo3: {
url: 'https://some-other-service.example.com/rendering-info', // you can use url to use an external service providing the rendering information
Preview in Q editor
To have a preview environment that matches your target as close as possible, you can configure stylesheets and scripts that will be loaded within the Shadow Root of the preview element in Q editor in config/targets.js. Use these to load any stylesheets and scripts that may influence the behaviour of your visual element when embedded in the target environment. Any stylesheets and scripts configured in context
will be loaded in the preview.
const targets = {
demo1: {
label: "Demo 1",
type: "web",
context: {
stylesheets: [
url: 'url to stylesheet specific for target'
browserLoaderUrl: "https://q.nzz.ch/Q-demo-loader/loader1.js" // used to generate embed code to graphic
demo2: {
label: "Demo 2",
type: "web",
context: {
stylesheets: [
url: 'url to stylesheet specific for target'
browserLoaderUrl: "https://q.nzz.ch/Q-demo-loader/loader2.js" // used to generate embed code to graphic